Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Not on my computer

So I'm not on my computer right now, but hey the internet is fast here at the Nomad's Hostel in Wellington. Tomorrow I have a full day tour of Middle Earth. I spent the last two days bussing and training and ferrying my way here from Queenstown, with a 1 night stopover in Christchurch. I had fish and chips for $5 NZ in Christchurch with is approximately $3 US. I almost couldn't finish it it was so much food. Additionally, the chips were the best fries I've ever had in my life. Perfectly salted, piping hot and huge. They were like regular fast food fries tripled in cross sectional area.

Anyways, New Zealand is amazing. The entire country is a picture. I still like Queenstown the best so far, but I took teh train up the pacific coast and saw black sand beaches. I don't have much time left on my charge for this (thanks Susie by the way if you're reading this as I'm using your card) Wellington is a nice city, clean industrious. I had to walk a few miles with my bags to get to the hostel. In any event, most of the towns we past through had populations of around 2 or 3 thousand. NZ itself only has 4.1 million and significantly more sheep. They also have deer farms. I had a really good Vennison meat pie in Tikapo (a bus stop layover). In any event, will post more when I get a chance... Laters

1 comment:

  1. $3 for fish & I think I'd like New Zealand. venison meat pie? Hhmmm...I like venison, but this does not sound good.
